Thursday, October 8, 2009

Small World

This sweet girl and her family doesn't live in the town that I do. When she and her mom got here her mom told me her daughter's name is Kate. I mentioned that my son's best friend is named Kate. Then we talked about how her Kate is tall for her is my son's bff Kate. After a little bit more of this we finally figured out that her husband works with our Kate's dad. Following this?? They are also good friends with our Kate's parents (which we are, too), but she was referred to me by someone she works with so our Kate's parents had no idea they were coming to our town to do pictures. Funny how things work out that way:) Anyways, she was a great little poser and quite quick when she wanted to be. Not my normal outdoor shots but it was pouring outside and this was fun for a change.

Hope you enjoy the pictures:):):)

1 comment:

Amanda said...

i love small world things like that! so fun! love the last one. She is a total doll!