Monday, October 12, 2009

bang, bang

-mom brought a huge bouquet of balloons for these pictures

-I carried them and tied them onto the stroller (didn't knot it because we did that at a recent photo shoot and then had to find something to cut them off because they get so tight blowing around)

-we forgot about them and did some other pictures several feet away

-there are signs that say "Please stay on the walkways" "Stay on the path" etc...

-I decided to break the rules and step off of said path into a grassy area so that I could get the perfect angle and at the exact moment I stepped off the path we hear...bang, bang, bang

-my first thought...they have this dang thing booby someone shooting at me?

-mom asked what that was...I don't know I said

-we took a few more pictures, walked to get our other things and

-the balloons were GONE...stuck up in a tree...popped (you knew where this was going didn't you?)

-I felt terrible and what a bummer but glad to know

-the place isn't booby trapped after all:)


Margarita said...

The first photo is ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!! Just lovely.

Jackson Family said...

Love the location for this shoot. Where was it? You can tell me later :)... I smell Abby's 2 year pic place!

Amanda said...

these are sooo adorable! love them!

Amanda said...
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