Sunday, September 13, 2009

A year in the making

We have been trying to do this photo shoot for a year. They knew that they wanted it at their bay house in Galveston and just when we were going to meet Hurricane Ike happened. And they had damage. They showed us where the water line had come to and it is just unbelievable! She contacted me again recently and said that they had rebuilt and were ready. I ended up not feeling well the day before our scheduled time but I was not about the re-schedule again. I felt better the day of the shoot, just really Chad went with me to be the chauffeur/assistant (which is kinda cool...I can boss him around and he has to do it). I'm so glad we were finally able to meet in person. They are a really sweet family and I loved catching some fun shots.

Hope you enjoy your peek:)


Poole said...

These were well worth the wait! Thanks Laura for coming down to Galveston eventhough you weren't feeling well. We can't wait to see the rest!

Amanda said...

oh wow! what a beautiful family session!

Jess said...

Stunning I love the one with the water hitting them that's gotta be the canvas.