Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Bluebonnet and park shoot

It's nice to have an area to take bluebonnet pictures close by although I've been back once more since this photo shoot and they're getting quite smashed from all the people stopping to take pictures. The man that owns the property is as nice as can be. He has a sign out that says that everyone is free to stop and take pictures and if they have an extra picture to share to leave it in the box by the gate so that he can add it to his bluebonnet scrapbook. He came out while we were there to share his scrapbook. He's 91-years-old and said that his father planted the bluebonnets. He was pretty proud of the pictures that had been shared over the years that had been taken in his flowers. I think it's so nice that he allows anyone to use them.

Also, I wanted to remind everyone that Froberg's Farms has strawberry picking going on now. Shoot me an email if you need more info.

Boy, he lit up when he had something to climb on. He was also a busy boy so it was nice to have him perched on something for a second to grab some shots.

Showing me his karate moves.


Margarita said...

hey let me know if you're going to froberg's this week!

Amanda said...

love these laura! I miss the bluebonnets!