Wednesday, February 25, 2009

When taking pictures in the...

little hut at the Japanese Gardens I now know to always look in there first. Every time that I've been to the Japanese Gardens you have to wait to take pictures with the hut. There's always lovebirds hanging out or families that have made it their little picnic spot. So when I saw that it was open at the moment I said that we should go take advantage. First I had the family do some shots at the opening and then I asked them to peek out the side from the inside. I think they were trying to give me some hints that something was off but I was missing them. Finally, they mentioned something to the effect that these shots weren't really working...I was still clueless. They came out and told me that there was a homeless man in the corner inside. It was pretty funny because I was in front of it, to the left of it, to the right of it, but from every angle I had no idea someone was in there. You had to actually go in...which was what I had them do. Of course he was harmless but it felt like we were invading his little shut-eye space. So needless to say we moved on.

These girls adore their parents.


Anonymous said...

These pictures are absolutely ADORABLE! You have such a beautiful family. Hope all is well!


Anonymous said...

This family portrait is absolutely beautiful! What joy it gives me to see everyone so happy together. I love you all. Besos.

Your compadres

Anonymous said...

Awesome family pics! You all are a very beautiful family!