Tuesday, February 12, 2008

9-year-old's room and a Wiseguy

Hey! Who's the wiseguy that changed the letters around??

This is what it's supposed to look like.

DISCLAIMER -- please look past the messiness!

I've been wanting to take some pictures of my 9-year-old's room for a while and what I discovered the other day was just the thing to get me to grab my camera. I would include pics from under her loft but it looks like a bomb went off under there.


Amanda said...

OHmy! I bet she is one sassy girl!

Jess said...

Love the new header and the room so fun. I can't wait til I can decorate my girls room we are a little busy with other parts of the house.

Unknown said...

Oh, laura, if you saw my nine year olds room, you would just laugh! Her whole room looks like a bomb went off! lol... I should take one for you to see one day! She also has a loft bed.