Thursday, July 12, 2007

Just a cool pic

Thanks to my good friend, Debra(thanks girl haha), my daughters now know what Webkinz are and are fast driving me CRAZY about them. Here's Cass with her favorite uncle, Travis, and her very 1st Webkinz (that she named Beachey??). Thought this looked kind of cool.


Anonymous said...

Hey Laura!!
It's Robin/Wingnut1 from 2peas! I'm glad I found your blog and your awesome website! Way to go girl! You are kickin' butt! Too funny - my daughter has that exact webkins and is addicted!! Anyway, hope you are well.

carin davis said...

So creative! I love the composition of it!!!

Megan said...

Agggg..Webkinz. My daughters got their first one for Christmas..and now have 9 each..bought with their own money!! They are OBSESSED with them!

Cool picture!