Why do puppies have sharp teeth?
Why do cars live in garages?
Why do we live in a house?
Why do lions have tails?
Why do the girls have school tomorrow?
Why does the computer make noises?
and Dear Drew, Why are you making mommy crazy with a capital C?
I try and be as patient as I possibly can and answer each question as best that I can so that he learns from the explanations but that's where I think I'm going wrong. I'm patient, patient, patient, and then BAM I've had enough and I have to tell him to give mommy a break! and then I feel bad. Inquisitiveness is not a bad thing...I just don't want to be the only person that has to have all of these crazy answers. And I'm now declaring that it's ok to answer, "Because I said so." Any advice out there??
I also have a few questions myself (if anyone can enlighten me)
1. Why do the itches on your back change location if you have someone scratch them?
2. Why are yawns contagious?
3. And I still don't understand how I can talk to someone on a phone thousands of miles away, across oceans and at the same time as millions of other people that are on phone lines. I just don't "get" how that works.
Ok, on to the pictures.
The precious little peanut in this post is a little carbon copy of her big sister. I didn't notice it so much at first but after being around her for a little while I saw it more and more and more. And now looking at the pictures, wow, she's such a little mini of big sis'. She is a tiny little one and was really good for the pics.
Hope you enjoy:)
1 comment:
OMG, I love the third one. Where did you get that wooden prop? BeautifuL!
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