Sunday, September 28, 2008

2 Little New Ones

I was looking forward to this photo shoot immensely! It was my first time getting to take pictures of twins and I was in love the instant we began. They were so adorable and it's amazing how different you can already tell that they are (they even have different skin tones). Funny story: I asked mom when in the pregnancy she found out it was twins and she said from an ultrasound at 9 weeks. The doctor said that it was twins and she responded "You're kidding, right?" He then said that there are 2 things that he never kids about...STD's and multiples! Hilarious!! Thank you so much for letting me be the one to document their newness, they are precious. Hope you enjoy your sneak peek:)

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Tea Cup Baby

Mom said she saw some pictures of a baby in the oversize tea cups on someones blog that I have a link to (probably here) and hunted some down for her daughter's pictures. She was adorable and loved being in the cup.

Our phone and Internet went out again yesterday. It's so splotchy still around here. The kids are still out of school because of the hurricane and it feels like we're back in summer. The bad thing is I hadn't had enough time to regain some of the patience that I had run out of in the summer and now I'm really running low on patience and the ability to keep them busy. I think I see a light at the end of the tunnel however, because they might go back to school next week. Whew!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Don't let her size fool you...

I was in awe of this little one. She was a tiny little thing but was packed with power. She was mostly fully awake, holding up her head looking around, trying to inch her way off of blankets, just taking everything in. She was so good for our session. Made me "kind of" want another one:)

After the indoor pictures we went to a field that is sort of in a remote area in town. There's traffic that comes by but not a lot. Well, the baby, her parents, and I were out in this field when a truck pulled up to where we were. No one recognized the man and when he got out we were all a little nervous. He walked towards us and had his left hand out of sight behind his clothing. I was already thinking about how to react if he were to show us a weapon and then he asked what we were taking pictures of. He saw the baby and said, "Oh, I thought maybe you were out here taking pictures of the Raspberry(actually spelled Rasberry) Ants." The what?? He went on to ask us if we had heard of them and began telling us about how they get into electronic components and then short them out, etc.... He finally backed away and left and we let out a sigh of relief. We discussed what had happened and decided that for sure he was just a little looney. So after I get home, just for the heck of it, I google Raspberry Ants. What do you know...they do exist. And they were actually discovered and named after a man from our town. I began repeating this story to a few friends and family and they had all heard of these ants already and couldn't believe that I hadn't heard of them. My neighbor who is from Connecticut said that's she has had relatives call her and ask her if she has had any problems with these ants. Ok, so people in Connecticut have heard of them and I haven't. And now I'm thinking..."Hmmmm, maybe that's what is wrong with our computer...Raspberry Ants."

Playing Catch Up

Big Time! I am so far behind. First there was the computer problems, then Hurricane Ike (which I plan to have pictures and blog about soon), and then no electricity for 6 days, then when the electricity came back on the Internet didn't. Finally, Sunday the Internet was restored and I'm having MORE computer issues. My husband is a computer man! He is a software engineer and "knows" his stuff when it comes to them, but he is baffled. He has changed hard drives, our power supply, the mother board, and numerous other things I can't remember, reloaded the operating system (please correct me if I don't make sense because honestly, I don't know what in the heck I'm talking about) and on and on and on. He has taken off time from work to travel across town for supplies and worked many nights on this thing. It's making us CRAZY!

Anyway, today I'm on a limited computer. Meaning I'm on Photoshop and email and that's about it as we wait to see what it'll do next. Usually it goes black right as I get into the middle of something. So let's see if I can get this blog post up.

I really APOLOGIZE to those that are waiting on things. I'm dying to get caught up. I'll continue today to do what I can and then he'll work on it again tonight. If you've emailed me and I haven't responded please try again or call me.

This was the most adorable couple. They are expecting their first child and I can't wait to meet him. Just from the short time I was around them they had me cracking up and I could totally see their love for life. Hope you enjoy your sneak peek. Sorry again that it took so long.

Dad is a pilot and the little onesie says "daddy's little wingman". Isn't that cute?

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

First Dumpster Diving Find

Let me preface this by saying I've never dumpster dove before. I was at a photoshoot recently just snapping away when the mom said, "I could so see you using this for a picture. Maybe a child sitting on it in a field." So, I looked up to see what she was referring to and this white desk was perched on top of a dumpster. She had a vision...and I could absolutely see it, too! We snagged it out and loaded it into my van. Let me also say that my husband is not loving the ever-increasing pile of things-I-have-to-collect-for-photoshoots/props. We're quickly running out of room, so I knew that he wouldn't love this new, big, white desk. As soon as I got home I promised to use it one time and then get rid of it. Well, this was the shoot. My one photoshoot. Only I loved it. Loved the way it looked with a child on it in a field. And Katie (who is doing a photography internship with me and I'll get a pic of her and introduce her soon) loved it, and the parents loved it. So sorry honey, but it's staying. And it's already been on a 2nd shoot yesterday:)

This little one just turned one. Isn't she adorable??! I always love those big, brown eyes that have the most sparkling clarity. Hope you enjoy your sneak peek.

Dad had no plans to be in any pictures, but when I saw his daughter leaning on his chest I just couldn't resist asking mom to jump in there.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Back up and running

My computer died Friday. Which was good and bad. The good was that I actually was not able to get on it and spend hours and hours away from my family. This forced me to do some other things that I've been meaning to do. The bad...well, it's not a good thing when I hear my computer savvy husband say things like, "It's not looking good" and "corrupt". Not sure what corrupt means in computer terms, but I know that it can't be good. I tried not to get upset about all of the things that I might lose, but once he said these things I about lost it. I have all of my original pictures backed up, but not any proofed, finished groups (boy, have I learned my lesson). I kept thinking of the 18 sessions that have been sent their proofed galleries and how if they place an order then I'll be going back and re-proofing everything. However, he tried thing after thing to recover anything from our old hard drive, and luckily, he was able to save July - August of this year. Exactly the ones that I'm still working with. What a relief! Anything before that is backed up I just have to put it all back on my computer. Lots of work to do. Whew!

So, if you've been waiting on orders, CD's, emails, sneak peeks, etc...I'm trying to catch up as fast as I can. Thanks so much for your understanding and patience:)

Here's a couple of pics of Drew and the infamous drum (which we still listen to daily!) Thanks again Lisa!

Friday, September 5, 2008

2 girls & a little guy

This is such a good-looking family. The kiddos were adorable and little Mr. B had the bluest eyes and stylin' haircut going on. We had a bit of trouble holding his attention though when a helicopter decided to hang out overhead the whole time we were at the first location. Of course, what one-year-old won't look up when a helicopter is above their head.

Hope you enjoy your sneak peek:)