Lately a lot of people have just said "Why don't you pick the location. You probably know the good spots." Which is exactly what Mr. Logan's family did. So, since I've been going to a lot of the same places I thought that it would be fun to try a few places that I either hadn't used in a while and one new place that I've had my eye on for months. We meet up and they are going to follow me to the first location -- a group of large, gorgeous oak trees...let me correct that...they once were gorgeous. Because now, as I drive up, I realize that Hurricane Ike caused them to be trimmed quite a bit and there are a lot of downed wooden fences around them. We're able to do a few pictures and decide to move on to Lucky Location Two. NOT!
Location Two: A field of overgrown weeds, grass,'s perfect for the direction the sun was setting. We unloaded the couch(which is no easy feat), get it set up just at the edge of the greenery and start taking pictures. About 15 shots into the pictures they start jumping up and down shrieking because there are ants. I mean, there are ants covering their feet and ankles. Luckily, little Logan didn't have any on him. SORRY GUYS! We get all of them off and try a new spot...more ants. Next we move to a cemented area...a large (once was a parking lot) cemented area. Surely ants don't congregate on cement. Well, apparently they do because here we go again with the ants. Let's blaze from Location Number Two and on to Location Number Three.
Location Three: An abandoned store on a good-size lot where the sun really does set perfectly. I have envisioned a family shot right by the old door at the side. I tell them where to set up and as we approach I realize that the glass at the door has been busted out and is all over the ground in front. AAAHHHH! We are having no luck with locations. And I'm starting to think that ants are a recurring theme for me.
Logan is an absolute doll. He has the most gorgeous eyelashes and charming smile. Luckily, he cooperated wherever we ended up at. I really appreciate you guys having such a willingness for's always fun to try new ideas. I hope you're having a great vacation. Enjoy your sneak peek!
Everytime I look at these pictures I hear this in my head:
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
The ants go marching one by one, hurrah, hurrah
So cute! Love that couch! You do such a good job!
well you did get some beutiful shots, even with all the trouble:)
Ugh..been there, done that! that were out for blood..but, you did get some great shots..and I'm sure they will be thrilled.
Fantastic pics - just so everyone knows the ants never bit us. The pictures look great and the colors are wonderful.
Thanks for taking great pics.
Brad and Steph
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