anyday! I have just totally found my "thing". I still love to do high key studio shots, but truly when I have a client that wants to do outdoor shots (especially in my field. Ok, it's not really MINE, but I feel like it is, hee hee) I am SOOOOO excited. This most recent shoot was not only in my field outdoors with a gorgeous sunset, but their mom totally had my same vision as far as clothing, poses, props, etc.... That's when it really gets fun! She was worried that her girls wouldn't like the tall grass and possible bugs, but they ran and played and had a blast. Just like it should be for photos -- total fun. I'm gonna post some of the oldest daughter today.
On another note, having had one of my best friends pass away at 26 from cancer has really made me aware of the possibilities of this terrible disease at young ages. I can't remember how but I was directed to this blog ( and spent a whole afternoon reading her story. It really had an impact on me and I've kept up with the blog ever since. While reading it yesterday her husband asked for thoughts and prayers for another young mother that has been diagnosed with the same type of cancer. I then visited her blog and was once again wowed by the strength and openness of someone who is living life with cancer. It's always a reminder for me to stop and appreciate the little things, to quit complaining about getting older (a big one!), and know that it can happen to anyone at any time (listen to your body). So, if you have a chance take a look and be inspired by these women and their strength and courage. ( And I know that Shawndra and her family would appreciate your prayers.
I hope everyone has a great weekend. P.S. I'll figure out how to put the actual links in next time. I thought I knew how but it's not working.